ITJP – Uncovering the truth
Human rights + accountability / Diversity + inclusion / Anti-corruption
Identity / Print / Digital / Motion

Our first client at TEMPLO, who we continue to collaborate with ten years later. We are equally driven in the fight for justice and accountability for human rights violations in Sri Lanka.
The International Truth and Justice project (ITJP) both collects and stores evidence for any future credible justice process and also intervenes to assist victim communities in seeking accountability. The organisation needed a visual identity to build recognition and quickly convey their purpose to a broad audience that included the United Nations, governments and the general public both in the UK and abroad.
We designed and built ITJP’s trilingual website as well as a huge body of resources to help affect change and support various investigations all of which have been presented at the United Nations. The ITJP brand centres around the idea of uncovering the truth and plays with the themes of censorship and gathering information. The identity reveals content, protects the subject and highlights the truth through imagery and messaging.
Real, on the ground, hard-hitting photography of war torn countries was used along with two distinctive colour ways to distinguish ITJP's areas of focus; transitional justice work and gathering evidence.
Our work has helped build a case against an accused war criminal, forced the repatriation of Mali a UN peacekeeper commander, lead to a special investigation into torture and rape by the United Nations. ITJP’s dossiers are examples of human rights work copied by others and has had coverage in Al Jazeera’s, NY Times and the Economist.

Fighting for long-term, systemic change with a case against accused war criminals.