CEDEP – A meeting of minds
Education / Diversity + inclusion
Brand / Strategy / Messaging / Motion / Way finding / Social media
CEDEP challenges conventions and uses experimental teaching methods to teach business; breaking participants down to build them back up ready for the real-world. However the brand story and visual identity did not reflect the CEDEP spirit; they were flat, dated, conventional, lacking in meaning, quality and stand out.
CEDEP is a not-for-profit executive education club based in the Fontainebleau forest just outside Paris. Founded 50 years ago CEDEP boasts world-leading programmes and global members that include L’Oreal and Renault.
Using workshops and a process of true co-creation we began by defining the ‘meeting of minds’ brand idea that sits at the heart of everything CEDEP do and say. We then created the CEDEP brand story and messaging for use across all channels from print to digital and social media. With the brand story agreed with the Board we turned our attention to creating a fit for purpose visual identity to bring the ‘meeting of minds’ brand idea to life.
Once we had refined our creative routes down to two strong contenders we presented our concepts at CEDEP's campus during their annual Alumni Reunion. We shared our creative routes with the 200+ attendees and invited them to vote for the visual identity that best represented CEDEP today and in the future. The winning route was developed into the new CEDEP visual identity. The new logo is the sum of many parts working together; the dynamic sphere symbol is a nod to CEDEP’s real world relevance. The palette is made up of a vibrant and contemporary core brand blue, complemented by a secondary palette of more muted tones.
The brand idea will influence all areas of CEDEP including products and services, their space (both physical and digital) and their people (members, faculty and participants). The new visual identity and communications will appear online, across all social media, events and event materials, brochures and other printed applications, signage, banners, e-newsletters as well as PowerPoint and Word templates.

A co-created brand and story that sits at the heart of everything CEDEP do and say.